The first large-scale, out-of-classroom programmes of the Hungarian Language and Cultural Studies this school year was the two-day study trip to Northern Hungary.

The excursion began with exploring the city of Eger, in the afternoon the group tried the state forest railway and took a hike in the Szalajka Valley, to the Fátyol-waterfall.

Students spent the evening in Miskolc, from where they went on a trip the next morning to the stalactite cave in Aggtelek, and then to travel on a chair-lift in Lillafüred. There was one among the students who could admire the autumn colours for the first time. The sunshine turned the forest, which was already in a million colours, into a fairy tale.

All in all, the participants of Hungarian Language and Cultural Studies completed a high-quality, effective, and experience-filled programme from the point of view of team-building and cultural transmission.