Balassi Summer University 2023 began on July 17. People interested in the Hungarian language and culture came to the program from 39 countries.

During the Balassi Summer University, 60 participants learn Hungarian every morning according to their own language level. In the afternoons, they can take part in lectures in English about the Hungarian language and culture, as well as city walks, excursions, and museum visits.

After the ceremonial opening, the participants took part in a written and oral level assessment, after which the language groups were formed. After that, during a short walk around the city, they got to know the surroundings and were given information about public transport, dining and shopping opportunities, and everyday life in Budapest.

We organized a team-building program under the leadership of the Hungarian language teachers as part of the regular Hungarian lessons. The groups got to know each other and their teachers with the help of playful tasks, and we brought them closer to Hungary with country-related and cultural tasks.