The aim of the Balassi Language Program is to provide an opportunity for foreigners living or working in Hungary to learn the Hungarian language. Our courses are held every semester for 10 or 15 weeks, starting in September/October and February/March, with intensive courses five times a week, normal courses three times a week, and evening courses twice a week.

How to apply?

  1. choosing a course
  2. sending the passport/ID, address card and the filled-in, signed and scanned application form  to or submitting it at the Customer Service Office (if the application is submitted on behalf of another person, authorization is required)
  3. payment of the tuition fee by the given deadline
  4. placement test for non-beginner applicants

Please continuously follow the latest updates on the conditions of legal stay in Hungary on the website of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing of Hungary!

Customer Service Office:

Veronika Fűr, coordinator
Address: 1107 Budapest, Zágrábi Str. 1-3., Bihari Irodaház, 1st floor, office 102.

Office hours:

Monday – Thursday: 8:30-16:00
Friday: 8:30-10:00, 12:00-13:00

Course venues:

1107 Budapest, Zágrábi Str. 1-3., Bihari Irodaház
1065 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Str. 57. Building III. / Entrance from Jókai Str. 34.