On November 8, 2022, a group of the Hungarian Language and Hungarian Studies visited Ady Endre Memorial Museum as a part of the literature lesson. The museum teacher gave a great session to the group and drew attention to many interesting points. Students who came to Hungary from the Western Hungarian diaspora and studied Hungarian language, Hungarian literature, history, geography, and ethnography; could get to know our famous poet’s apartment, and they could also learn a lot about life in the capital at the beginning of the 20th century.

A few days later, the group visited the permanent exhibition of the House of Hungarian Music during their cultural studies lesson. The exhibition offers a versatile presentation of the development and diversity of Hungarian music (and the musical life of the world also) with special interactive tools and many musical details. The museum dreamed up by Sou Fujimoto offers a unique artistic experience combining landscape, architecture, and exhibition design, all dedicated to the creation of music and sound had a great impact on the students.