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Frequently Asked Questions
All questions are available here:
Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship University Preparatory Programme of MFA FAQ
Our institution puts great emphasis on the importance of rich social and cultural life. Our colleagues organize various programs and trips throughout the school year. Not only do we give the chance to learn about Hungarian traditions, but also enhance mutual understanding between cultures. Additionally these community-building activities make a bond between students and teachers, foster and promote solidarity and responsibility.
Students can discover the most important and most beautiful sights of Hungary.
They can attend various sightseeing tours, museum visits (for example: Parliament, Buda Castle, National Gallery, Margit Island, Zoo and other popular places). They will also have the opportunity to travel to other Hungarian cities and visit the surrounding places of Hungary.
Budapest is a huge museum with ever changing exhibitions and installations. Even if it’s buzzing around you, you have got to find a second to take a break. On the riverbank or on a hill, in a gallery or in a café, you can lay back for a minute and remember: you are in the best place you could possibly be. From the blossoming trees to the snowy streets you may find the places where you feel that Budapest revolves around you indeed. There are no coincidences, but if there were, it would be quite unbelievable that a city like this is rewarded with so much generosity. You can sunbathe on the hills or take a splash in a historic bath: you will not believe that you are in a capital. The thermal waters and clean fresh air is envied by many. Budapest possesses Roman ruins, still operating Turkish baths, the heritage of the Gothic and Baroque periods, as well as architectural masterpieces of the Art Nouveau and Bauhaus in close proximity. In addition, the city boasts two UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the Banks of the Danube since 1987, and Andrássy Avenue since 2002.
Opportunities are provided to visit Hungarian theatres and watch different shows (folk and modern dance, musicals, opera, and drama).
All questions are available here:
Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship University Preparatory Programme of MFA FAQ
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