Hungarian Language and Hungarian Studies

Do I need to apply for a visa to travel to Hungary?

You can inquire about this at the embassy of your country in Hungary or the Hungarian embassy in your country. If you have Hungarian citizenship or live in a European Union member state, you do not need a visa to enter. You will also find information about entering Hungary and visa on the following pages:

Visa-free travel to Hungary: https://konzinfo.mfa.gov.hu/en/visa-free-travel-hungary

How to Apply for a Visa: https://konzinfo.mfa.gov.hu/en/how-apply-visa

EU Visa Facilitation Agreements: https://konzinfo.mfa.gov.hu/en/eu-visa-facilitation-agreements

List of Third Countries Where a Schengen State Issues Visas on Behalf of Hungary: https://konzinfo.mfa.gov.hu/en/list-third-countries-where-schengen-state-issues-visas-behalf-hungary

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